Thursday, July 1, 2010

Scene #5: The Insidious Plot Twist!

Setting: Split screen! Furbopal and Artemis are in a different room in the basements of Bio-Blocks. Burt is taking his loot to... where is Burt going with this body anyway?

Motivation: Improvise!

Duration: 2 conflict rolls per Star

Difficulty: 6

Severity: 2

Direction: Doctor 926 looks through a large microscope with it's farthest lens inside Thursday's ear. "Curiouser and curiouser," the Doctor ponders, "the singularity I detected earlier is missing. I was sure it was right here. This specimen's neural structure had been serving as an energy matrix to hold the singularity in place. It must have shaken loose and fallen out. Artemis, Furbopal, have either of you seen a space-time distortion, perhaps on the floor?"


  1. Artemis looks around nerviously on the floor. ""

  2. Arty doesn't see a space time distortion, but she does hear a buzzing sound. Only she hears it.

  3. Artemis asks Doctor 926, "That wouldn't happen to be that nice buzzing sound that may soon drive me crazy, would it?"

  4. OOC: Does anyone know what's up with the Dragon's Landing won't open for me with Internet Explorer.

  5. Sorry I missed your question, Sporty old sport. Yes, the entire DLI site was down for a few days. I wasn't worried because I remembered it happening once before one or two years back.
