Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scene 4: Return to Bio-Blocks

Stage: 926's lab level beneath the Bio-Blocks Corporate tower.

Motivation: Discover the secret of Doctor Lister's research.

Duration: 4 actions (Conflict Rolls) per star.

Severity: 1

Difficulty: 7

Directions: as per Scene #3. This scene may involve a lot of talking and questioning. Stars may apply their actions to questioning or research if they wish or just roleplay it. I will likely call for some other Conflict Rolls when and if something actually happens.


  1. I understand that there was some unresolved question as to whether or not Burt was being invited into the Bio-Blocks labs. I'll just say that he was allowed in because he is the only character who can drive that forklift. At least, he was allowed in as far as a storage room.

    The forklift gently gently moved forward in the dark basement room. Owls scattered as the crate was lowered to the floor. The forklift backed away. Beep, beep, beep.

    Artemis asked, 'Do you have to say that every time you back up, Burt?'

    'Yes, I disabled the beeper for stealth.'

    A large figure with red eyes appears in a doorway. 'Welcome to the storage room of sub-basement four, Bio-Blocks Tower.' He steps into the light, revealing himself to be 926, an enormous white rat in a lab coat. 'Isn't someone going to introduce me to our new friend?'

  2. "Hello Brain!" says Furbopal - quite pleased to see his Professor, smiling and swinging his Kendo Sword (the wooden version) the whole time. He lashes out with a quick stab holds it, with the point of the sword aimed directly at Burt, then says, "This is our new friend Burt...err..(this time louder)...BURT..."(then mumbles something about not knowing Burt's last name. He then proceeds to twist his horn with a free hand and look down and right continueing to mumble, "...last name...last yourself...remember...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ''Welcome to the bottom of science, Burt Burt. Please mind the rats. They electrocute. Artemis, have you paid Mister Burt yet?'

  5. Looking shocked, burt blurts out "What, you know each other, Whats going on?" said Burt. Wanting to quit but because he has not been paid decides to stay.

  6. "Uh, no, I haven't paid him yet. Burt, what's the fee?"

  7. Wow, that's a loaded question. Sporty earns a Story Point for making me laugh.

    926 says, 'Good, it was prudent of you to bring him here first. I would like to see that the information was accurate before Mister Burt disappears. Someone please open the crate while I boot my stethiscope.'

  8. Furbopal wanders over to the crate saying, "I'll do it boss!" Then wedges one of his horns along the piece of wood and then begins to pry the crate open...

  9. Please excuse me for taking a little liberty with the Stars' dialog in this post. I wanted to rush to a certain point. There is a reveal coming...

    Furbopal's horn eagerly prys the box apart. A wooden panel falls forward. Overly dramatic fog pours out and fills the room. Rats run away.

    Da-da-duuum! 926 says, "Oh, the mood music projector is working again."

    The fog clears revealing a figure frozen in a cryogenic chamber. She is a tall woman with bronze complexion, long dark hair, and wearing furs. Burt asks, "This is the secret research? Did he clone her?"

    926 answers, "No, that woman is just a host. Doctor Lister's creation is inside her."

    Furbopal asks, "Does she look familair to anyone else?"

    Burt says, "Yeah, she looks just like a statue uptown. I think she's a goddess of pigeons."

    Artemis says, "Not even close, Mister Frugal. Though I'm not surprised you recognize her. That woman is the foundering mother of New New York. Her name is Thursday the Barbarian."


  10. Would Artemis and Furbopal know anything about Dr. Lister's research and whatever's inside Thursday the Barbarian? I'm going to assume not...

  11. "Ohhhh!!!!! Thursday!! Thursday!" Furbopal exclaimes and claps his hand together repeatedly

    He stops for a moment, scrunches his brow, and then says, "Is she related to Tuesday the Morrie - perhaps Tuesday's Child? Or, or, or perhaps Wednesday that little girl so full of woe, yet according to ancient history reigned since the days of Addams.

  12. Correct, Artemis and Furbopal know nothing about the research of Doctor Lister. He was working well before their time. ...unless someone wants to chance a roll for it. Even as successful roll won't turn up much since Bio-Blocks went to a lot of trouble to cover it up.

    Feel free, however, to expand upon the legends of Thursday the Barbarian if you wish. Here are the basics: following the destruction of Middle New York, she lead a colony of survivors. The survivors pulled through a major zombie infestation, in large part due to Thursday's skill at hacking zombies with her laser-shiv. Shortly as the last zombies were exterminated, the city of New New York was formally established. Then, she mysteriously disappeared.

  13. Furbopal continues shouting "Thursday" jumping around and making short stabbing motions at the air. He stops and says, "She's got a Laser-shiv." For a moment it is as if Furbopal has gone somewhere else - indeed he has! In his mind he is dreaming of discovering this famous relic somewhere in the subterranean ruins of New New York and wielding the Laser-Shiv for the first time in a millienium.

    OOC: Laser-Shiv. That is just awesome.

  14. Burt Obviously greed sparks in Burts mind. Stepping "Well this changes things, I did not realises that my find was so valuable!" Burt pauses. and says "My fee is doubled to 500 dollars". He hold his hand out to 926.

  15. Artemis steps in front of Burt and says "Ha! Your head isn't worth 500 bucks!" She then proceeds to pull out a $5 coupon for Fishy Joe's and says "But here's 500 cents. Enjoy!"

  16. 926 addresses Burt, 'Mister Burt, we only are interested in her head. We will pay you the agreed price for it. If the rest has some value to you, you may keep it. Furpobal, please thaw the specimen. Artemis, please fetch me a jar.'

  17. Artemis opens one of the storage bins and the loud sound of glass on glass can be heard. There's a loud crashing noise, and then Artemis pulls out a jar, roughly closes the bin, and walks over to hand it to 926.

  18. Burt mumbles "Ok ok fifty dollars it is then.", but has a bright idea! The body does have some Value. Burt Smiles to himself!.

  19. You evil bastards...

    Okay then, off with her head! Furbopal opens the lid of the cryogenic chamber. The tall woman inside raises her arms, tossing ice crystals into the air. She shouts, 'I LIVE!'


    Chop! A circular saw slices through her neck. Her head rolls off and falls into Artemis' jar. She screams, 'Waaah! Ghouls and sorcerors! You know not who you challenge!' A tight lid on the top of the jar silences her.

    926 fills out the check and hands it to Burt. 'Thank you very much for your time, Mister Burt Burt. The body is all yours. You may have the cryo-chamber also if you like, but leave the box. It's nicer than mine.'

    'Furbopal, Artemis, please take the specimen to the quantum entanglement lab.'

    926 continues with this warning for Burt, 'If you ever mentions that Bio-Blocks was involed in any of this, upper management will send something after you.' A small rat in the corner says, 'Da-da-dumm!'

  20. Artemis carefully takes the specimen to the quantum entanglement lab.

  21. Groovy! Each of the Stars leaves to perform her or his tasks. Burt drives away with what is left of Thursday in the cloning chamber. I'll see you all soon in the next chapter.

  22. Hey. Can I ask you why you have my art here? I don't remember giving you permission.

    You took it from my account. I'm not impressed.
