Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Scene 2: Enter the Heroes

Cast: Artemis, Furbopal, & Burt
Extras: MacGuffin, the stereotypical bartender
Stage: MacGuffin's Pub, a seedy & owl-infested bar in a bad neighborhood called Hell's Lab. There is a strong rain outside.
Motivation: Artemis and Furbopal were sent by their boss, Doctor 926, to buy some information from Burt. They have been asked to negociate for as little as possible. Burt is there to get as much money as possible.
Duration: Zero, no conflict rolls are needed for this scene. It's mostly dialog and character descriptions right now. If an Actor wishes to request a conflict roll, that's okay.
Direction: Burt knows the location of a certain specimen in cold storage that came from the illegal experiments of the late geneticist, Doctor Lister. Burt needs money to pay off a loan from a loan shark, so he won't settle for less than what he absolutely needs. Glinbog can determine the exact amount.
Artemis & Furbopal know each other, but that doesn't mean they get along well. There may or may not be a professional rivalry between the two. They are both grumpy for being called to perform and errand on a rainy and miserable evening.


  1. Burt is at a bit of a loss with his recient find. He found a filing cabinet in a dumpster the was previously owned by a Doctor Lister. Now Burt cant understand anything within these files, but one of the documents have the word SECRET stamped all over them. Burt realised that the contents are worth a lot of money. Hopefully he will be able to pay off this debt and make it big.

    MacGuffin : So burt what scam are you up to today?

    Burt: Shh Hey what do you mean scam?

    There is a long pause from MacGuffin.

    Burt: Well its not a scam, MacGuff, its more of a buisness transaction.

    Burt smiles slyly

    MacGuffin: mmm, as long as you dont bring the cops here again Burt or you out on you ear.

    Burt : dont worry MacGuff this is completely ligit, well sort of :)

    Burt and MacGuffin then waffle as Burt waits for his contacts to arrive.

  2. Artemis dropped out of the transport tube onto the slick city sidewalk and swiftly slipped and fell on her butt. Brushing her backside off she quickly stood as her partner followed her through the tube, and pulled up the collar of her jacket against the rain. Sighing, she said, "Let's do this."

  3. MacGuffin: "A classy lady just walked in, Burt. Make yourself less visible or something."

  4. Artemis quickly scanned the room and spotted a man fitting the description of Burt Frugal sitting over with the barkeep. "Looks like him" she mumbled to Furbopal. She strolled over to Burt. "You Burt Frugal?"

  5. As Artemis continued down street without glancing back, he failed to realize that Furbopal had gotten his horns caught in the Tube. Other folks have started piling up behind him, further clogging the tube. Not wanting to embarass Artemis and make a scene about his predicament Furbopal didn't say anything but quietly struggled to get free. As the minutes pass Furbopal smiles and mumbbles apologies softly as those stuck in the tube get increasingly hostilewith their demands to get a plumber and flush this cow patty out.

  6. Burt, slides into a cosy inconspicuous corner of the bar.

  7. Noticing that her partner was not right behind her, as he should be, Artemis turned around. "Furbopal?" she asked aloud, futiley considering he was clearly not in the bar. She walked back to the door and noticed out the window a huge crowd of people gathered by the tube. "Furbopal" she muttered again, and jogged quickly over to the mob. When she got there she couldn't help but laugh, watching Furbopal try to untangle his helplessly tangled horns. "Real inconspicuous," she said to him, that walked over, grabbed his ankles, and yanked.

  8. Inside the mighty bovine felt bloated. All this stress was getting him worked up and he knew there was no controling it now. The physical pressure of the mob of people pressing against him in the tube and the struggle to get his horns free proved was just too much stress and it must be relieved somehow. Despite his near completion of the training to become a counselor in his IBS support group, this was clearly going to be a set back.

    "Goodness Gracious!" exclaimed Furbopal, as he saw moving through the crowd, his buddy and pal Artemis! But it was much to late, just as good ole' Arty grabbed him by the ankles and yanked. The most prolific noise emancipated from deep within his bowels. Within moments screams of shear terror and wimpering began as a visibly thick greenish, noxious cloud began to fill the tube.

    Thankfully Arty had enough sense in her to pull Furbopal's front legs! With the extra support of his own arms and violent, panicing in the tube, Furbopal burst free...

  9. Artemis quickly pulled up her shirt collar and hit the ground, seeing the quickly spreading green cloud. No one was going to get anywear in the panicking crowd now, the only thing for it was to just try and wait out the stink.

  10. I'm Burt, you do know lady your not allow to bring pets in here. Ohh whats that smell? Burt grabs a hanky and covers his mouth. You stepped in something lady?

  11. Furbopal, shaking his head, doesn't quite get the image he just saw in the noxious green cloud of his own making. Who is Burt? What pet is the guy talking about? Still pondering the vision, he rushes out of the tube as people gag and cough and bodies empty of the tube screaming, in the panic he grabs hold of Artemis on the back of her shirt and runs out of the area and straight into the Bar, the cloud seems to follow. He tosses Artemis to her feat as the enter the tavern. And suddenly, the vision he just saw in the stinking gas, occurs again:

    I'm Burt, you do know lady your not allow to bring pets in here. Ohh whats that smell? Burt grabs a hanky and covers his mouth. You stepped in something lady?

    This time though its no vision and he realizes that "Burt" has just referred to him as a "pet."

  12. Hey, Hey, the gang is all here!

    I'll move quickly through the boring parts.

    A robot waitress is the one being willing to go near their table, because you know -- fumes. Before taking any orders, she explains that her primary function is being an actress-bot on New New Broadway. Her official title is Once an Actress, Always a Waitress, Semi-Professional Edition. With that disclaimer accomplished, she installs her voice box and speaks in an overly thick Jersy accent, "Whatcha wan, Sweeeetie?"

    Burt tries half-heartedly and unsuccessfully to charm Artemis. The noxious fumes and terrible weather were just working against him too much. After some mean-spirited haggling, they agree on a figure that they all find satisfactory (but no one will admit it). Burt would have rather taken the money and ran, but Artemis and Furbopol insist on him taking them to the package. (Besides, they didn't actually bring the money.) The package is located in Warehouse #42 at the docks. Getting inside the warehouse, however, is going to take some B&E. This warehouse if owned by the Robot Mafia.

    Fill in the blanks however you like. The next scene will be up in a new thread day or two (or three).

    So far, Furbopol has earned one experience point. I'll go through how to spend these when we have a little more spend.

  13. Burt says he knows the mafia robots (there the ones he owes money to). So Burt insists on wearing a fake moustache, (even thought it has no effect what's so ever). Burt says the best way to get into the warehouse and ask to be let in.

  14. EDIT above:
    Burt says the best way to get into the warehouse, is to ask to be let in.

  15. Correction! Both Burt and Furbopol have earned a chuckle point each. It was the fake mustache that got me.

  16. Burt suggests to the others that he should go in first, with everyone else to follow.

    Burt heads to the robot guards, whistling to himself.
